How do you write a good research paper to sell When you write research papers for review, you must remember that this is an [...]
The Best Ideas For Writing urgent Essays
Urgent essays frequently turn out to be somewhat tough to write. There are lots of factors that can cause this type of hurried essay, [...]
COBRA Benefits
If you are an employer of 20 or more employees and you offer health insurance, it is federal law that requires you to also [...]
Reduction of Discrimination Claims
Limit Legal ClaimsWhile planning for your RIF (Reduction in Force), areas to you will want to prepare for, to limit claims of discrimination are [...]
How to Identify Potential Risks for Litigation
Consult A LawyerTo use current events and the coronavirus, employees are navigating their legal obligations. While legal obligations will be different for each situation [...]
Review & Revision of Employee Handbooks
Keeping Employees UpdatedAvoiding legal issues when making changes to handbooks fall two categories: Best Practices for Updating the Employee Handbook [...]
Preparation of Employment Agreements Once Company is Ready to Hire Again
Considerations of Hiring After LayoffsAccording to the types of legal issues a company needs to look out for are: Employment [...]
Union Employer Issues
The National Labor Relations ActAccording to the National Labor Relations Board, “The National Labor Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing [...]
IRC Section 409A Compliance
What is Section 409a?In brief, Section 409a refers to deferred compensation for work performed. It can apply to SERPs, restricted stock, stock options, long-term [...]
Preparation of Commission Payment Agreements
Delay in Paying CommissionsWhile it would be impossible to calculate final pay of a commission until the sale is complete and payments are received. [...]