How many people?
You’ve decided you must layoff or furlough employees, but how many and who? Setting criteria is crucial for making the process streamlined and non-discriminatory [...]
You’ve decided you must layoff or furlough employees, but how many and who? Setting criteria is crucial for making the process streamlined and non-discriminatory [...]
Reasonable NoticeAs soon as a reduction in staff is decided, it is important to find out what “reasonable notice” applies to your employees. For [...]
Thoughtful DownsizingDuring economic down turns or drastic losses in income like the Covid-19 pandemic companies are quick to lay off their employees. The fear-based [...]
Staff SwappingHow far are you willing to go to keep your staff employed? This option may test your limits, and it includes hiring out [...]
Equity Compensation We generally hear about offering equity compensation for start-ups. New businesses are typically strapped for cash, so this option not only pays for [...]
Temporary Partial Pay Reductions An option that employers have, to delay the need of a layoff, is to reduce pay of its employees on a [...]
Health Insurance PremiumsAs you know, terminating an employee isn’t a clean cut from your responsibilities to that employee. We want to treat the employee [...]
When business leaders find themselves asking the difficult questions and making the decisions of whether to cut staff to protect their company’s long-term viability, [...]